Success Stories from Educators

Comments from Administrators

“Test scores went up and office behavior referrals went down.”
“There was a significantly calmer and more positive attitude throughout the school.”
-Virginia Folk, Parkwood Elementary

“I cannot believe how these kids have responded to this program. They have all been just wild about it and it has also made a major difference in our discipline" -Pamela Gilbert, St. Norbert’s Catholic School

“We had a very good school to begin with, but after only one year the Keys program made it better”.
“Most of our teachers liked the program from the beginning, but the entire staff embraced it when they saw the excitement it generated in our students”
“This program is the perfect fit because it compliments everything we do!”
“Now that we are well into our sixth year using the “Keys” program, we are more excited than ever. We continue to be amazed at the feedback.  Teachers, students and parents all contribute new and exciting ideas for projects in and out of the classroom.  There seems to be a continual ripple effect!!!”
-Mary Beth Chik, Holy Spirit School

“We have had a significant decrease in ‘bullying’ and related behaviors since adopting the program.”
“I believe the continual positive reinforcement that the program provides contributes to the self-esteem of our students and leads to the positive climate throughout the school.”
“My goal for our school was to create an environment that was conducive to learning for all children.  The Keys to Success program helped make that happen.”
  -Ken Morr, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

“Our referrals decreased by 42% after just one year of using the Keys.  Following the use of an overbearing point system, we were thrilled to see how the Keys program is not only easy to deliver but also incredibly versatile.  With so many creative ways to teach and implement the Keys – it never gets stale.”  -Jill Kelsey, School for St. Vincent Children’s Home

Comments from Teachers

I enjoy looking for opportunities to notice the positive.  It is so easy (to use the Keys program)!

[The Keys] help build self-esteem and anyone can earn them.  Your grades are not the determining factor. 

I like being able to use the keys to reinforce positive and productive behaviors.  This helps inspire other students to practice the same desired behaviors.

The program creates better and caring students.  They are more aware of their actions and choices they make.  Students are more motivated when completing class work and…the students are more caring towards one another.

It’s an immediate reward for the children’s behavior.  I like the variety of keys – all with different meanings.  It’s a fun way to reward. 

It is good to have something tangible to reward good behavior with – when it is special or outstanding.  It is more “concrete” method of reinforcing what is expected than only verbal rewards or remarks on a report card.

 [The program] forces teachers to find the positives in the students instead of just negative behavior.  Students who typically get attention for bad behavior really love to be praised and I think it helps improve their self-esteem.

My fourth graders have been in The Keys to Success program since kindergarten and they are a well-behaved class.  I would like to think that our use of the Keys has influenced their behavior and they are becoming good citizens for life.

I think the students are more aware of their actions.  The Keys program encourages and motivates students to try their hardest.

Students thank me privately to show that they appreciate the Keys.– 7th Grade Teacher

[Does The Keys help with bullying?] Yes! I teach young children and they will work well together and treat each other with more respect.

I think it does.  The continued positive reinforcement increases the student’s dignity and self-worth thereby making them less inclined to tease others as a way of making them feel superior.

I think the program helps reduce bullying.

Yes.  I think this promotes overall good behavior and better attitude toward students and faculty.

“The Keys to Success program has been very helpful for my second graders.  By focusing on a special key each week, the children have a better understanding of what each key means and what they need to do to earn that particular key.  Since the second graders are just beginning to practice these concepts, they are extremely eager to please.  Having an incentive prize after they have earned so many keys is a wonderful reward.  Intrinsic satisfaction for the performance of these keys is far down the road for these 7-8 year olds, but the foundation has been laid by having this ‘Keys to Success’ program.” -Mrs. Gunn, 2nd grade teacher, Saint Lawrence the Martyr

“The Keys to Success program has been a hit with the fourth graders.  Students are taking the program seriously.  When student effort or behavior is less than expected, getting the students back on track is facilitated by (the Keys).  I have seen my class respond positively to the goals of the program.  Thanks for a new tool to use in the classroom to build self-esteem and confidence.” -Mrs. Hilgenbrink, 4th grade teachers

“Thanks Frank, for your innovative Keys to Success program.  What a unique and positive method of ‘getting’ the behavior that shows students can develop into fine people.  I’d recommend this program for all schools.  Results are so positive!” -Mrs. Simmons, 8th Grade Teacher

“The program has not only helped my students with their academic performance but improved behavior as well”
-Deborah Russell, St. Vincent Children’s Home & School

Anonymous Survey given to Teachers in 2003:

Question # 1:  Did you use the program and would you like it continued?

Overwhelming “YES”   100% answered yes!

Question # 2:  What did you like about the program?

“It was a way to recognize positive behavior.  The testamonials and keys publications helped to raise expectations for good behavior.

“It seemed to help the kids really understand the meaning of Good Citizenship.”

“Students really felt honored when they were announced over the intercom with specific details of what they did to earn the award.”

“It’s a guide that tells students how they should act.”

Question #3:  Has classroom behavior improved due to the “Keys” program?

“Yes, my students are more courteous and responsible for their own behavior”

“Yes.  As part of our daily reflection, students wrote about their behavior and set goals for the following day.  Thank you for the “Keys!”